Friday 12 August 2011

PDP meets Association

As part of its schedule of meetings with local organisations, the Gibraltar Private Sector Workers & Pensioners Association recently met with the Leader and members of the executive of the Progressive Democratic Party (PDP).

As well as Mr. Azopardi himself the party delegation included Moira Walsh, Gigi Sene and Kayron Pozo.The gathering was to discuss the aims and objectives of the new Private Sector group with Keith Azopardi and his Party. It was a good opportunity, says the GPS-WPA, to present its ‘shopping’list in greater detail and to answer any questions Mr. Azopardi and his colleagues may have.

The meeting, says the Association, was both amicable and productive and the PDP Leader promised to discuss the issues raised with the rest of his Party Executive. The contact was one of a number that the GPS-WPA intends to hold this summer with local political parties, business and workers'organisations and other groups and associations.